Saturday, July 30, 2011

Little Packets of Joy - Empanada Mas

My sister brought home something interesting today. I've heard great things from these empanadas and finally I would be able to taste one :-)

upon opening the box what I saw was these small empanadas. at first glance, the empanadas looked tiny and would not satisfy my hunger, aroma was fantastic though. oh well, might as well take one.

I was wrong! the size is perfect! I love the pastry with its very tasty filling. yum!

honestly I'm not a fan of empanadas because some empanadas are hard especially the rolled part, some you wouldn't be able to finish because of the there are a lot of extenders. but not these babies. thin and not too heavy in the stomach

Empanadas are not created equal! the thought of making a thin crust then filling them in with interesting fillings are gooood! ham and cheese jalapeno P-:

I was not able to get a bite out of the spinach with cream cheese... /-:

You get what you pay for (-: the empanadas are great!

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1 comment:

  1. I agree! Sobra sarap! You should try the mini empanadas - my fave are nutella, cream cheese and chives and the new filling - bacon cream cheese and jalapeno! :)
